Lord of the Rings - LOTR (DECIPHER)

1.- La comunidad del anillo Ingles
1.- La comunidad del anillo FOIL-ingles
1.- La comunidad del anillo Castellano
2.- Las minas de Moria Ingles
2.- Las minas de Moria FOIL-ingles
2.- Las minas de Moria Castellano
2.- Las minas de Moria FOIL-castellano
3.- Reinos de los Señores Elfos Ingles
3.- Reinos de los Señores Elfos FOIL-ingles
3.- Reinos de los Señores Elfos Castellano
3.- Reinos de los Señores Elfos FOIL-castellano
4.- Las dos torres Ingles
4.- Las dos torres FOIL-ingles
4.- Las dos torres Castellano
5.- La batalla del abismo de Helm Ingles
5.- La batalla del abismo de Helm FOIL-ingles
5.- La batalla del abismo de Helm Castellano
5.- La batalla del abismo de Helm FOIL-castellano
6.- Ents de Fangorn Ingles
6.- Ents de Fangorn FOIL-ingles
6.- Ents de Fangorn Castellano
7.- El retorno del rey Ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
7.- El retorno del rey FOIL-ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
8.- Asedio a Gondor Ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
8.- Asedio a Gondor FOIL-ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
9.- Reflections FOIL-ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
10.- Monte del destino Ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
10.- Monte del destino FOIL-ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
The Fellowship of the Ring Anthology
The Two Towers Anthology
The Return of the King Anthology
The Fellowship of the Ring Deluxe
The Two Towers Deluxe
Countdown Collection Ingles
Countdown Collection Castellano

11.- Shadows Ingles +Legends Series (NO se ha editado en castellano)
12.- Black Rider Ingles +Legends/Legends Masterworks Series (NO se ha editado en castellano)
13.- Bloodlines Ingles +Legends/Legends Masterworks Series (NO se ha editado en castellano)
14.- Expanded Middle-earth Deluxe Draft Box Ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
15.- The Hunters Ingles +Legends/Legends Masterworks Series (NO se ha editado en castellano)
16.- The Wraith Collection Ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
17.- Rise of Saruman Ingles +Legends/Legends Masterworks Series (NO se ha editado en castellano)
18.- Treachery & Deceit Ingles +Legends/Legends Masterworks Series (NO se ha editado en castellano)
19.- Ages of End FOIL-ingles (NO se ha editado en castellano)
War of the Ring Anthology

0P1 The Prancing Pony (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P2 •Bill the Pony (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P3 Fireworks (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P4 Council Courtyard (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P5 •Horn of Boromir (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P6 Balin's Tomb (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P7 •Book of Mazarbul (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P8 Galadriel's Glade (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P9 •Phial of Galadriel (P) League Kit Spring 2002
0P10 •The Balrog, Durin's Bane (P)
0P11 •Saruman, Servant of the Eye (P)
0P12 •Gimli, Son of Gloin (P)
0P13 •Legolas, Greenleaf (P)
0P14 •Aragorn, Ranger of the North (P)
0P15 •Legolas, Son of Thranduil (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Realms of the Elf-Lords”
0P16 •Faramir, Son of Denethor (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P17 •Eowyn, Lady of Rohan (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P18 •Smeagol, Old Noser (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P19 •Theoden, King of the Golden Hall (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Battle of Helm´s Deep”
0P20 Black Rider (P) Solo se edito foil
0P21 •Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Ents of Fangorn”
0P22 Fell Beast (P) Existe una version normal y otra foil
0P23 •Aragorn, Captain of Gondor (P) Promocional de lanzamiento del Online TCG
0P24 •Legolas, Elven Stalwart (P) Promocional de lanzamiento del Online TCG
0P25 •Denethor, Wizened Steward (P)
0P26 •Gandalf, Defender of the West (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “The Return of the King”
0P27 •Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (P) Entregada en el DGMA Territorial Open Championship
0P28 •Arwen, Fair Elf Maiden (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier
0P29 •Eowyn, Dernhelm (P)
0P30 •The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow (P) Countdown Collection
0P31 •The Pale Blade (P) Countdown Collection
0P32 •Gandalf, Mithrandir (P) Countdown Collection
0P33 •Firefoot (P) Countdown Collection
0P34 •Gimli's Helm (P) Countdown Collection
0P35 •Faramir, Captain of Gondor (P) Countdown Collection
0P36 •Whip of Many Thongs (P) Countdown Collection
0P37 •The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (P) Countdown Collection
0P38 •Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick (P) Countdown Collection
0P39 •Eowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden (P) Countdown Collection
0P40 •Axe of Erebor (P) Countdown Collection
0P41 •Aragorn's Bow (P) Countdown Collection
0P42 •The Balrog's Sword (P) Countdown Collection
0P43 •Ulaire Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight (P) Countdown Collection
0P44 •Glamdring, Lightning Brand (P) Countdown Collection
0P45 •Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (P) Countdown Collection
0P46 •Gimli, Skilled Defender (P) Countdown Collection
0P47 •Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (P) Countdown Collection
0P48 •Shelob, Last Child of Ungoliant (P)
0P49 •Eomer, Keeper of Oaths (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Siege of Gondor”
0P50 •Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (P) Countdown Collection
0P51 •Radagast, The Brown (P) Countdown Collection
0P52 •Goldberry, River-daughter (P) Countdown Collection
0P53 •Tom Bombadil, The Master (P) Countdown Collection
0P54 •Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Reflections”
0P55 Gorgoroth Swarm (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Mount Doom”
0P56 •Ghan-buri-Ghan, Chieftain of the Woses (P) Weta Collection
0P57 •Radagast's Staff (P) Weta Collection
0P58 •Anarion, Lord of Anorien (P) Weta Collection
0P59 •Erkenbrand, Master of Westfold (P) Weta Collection
0P60 •Tom Bombadil's Hat (P) Weta Collection
0P61 •The Witch-king, Black Captain (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier
0P62 •Gimli, Dwarven Delegate (P)
0P63 •Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (P)
0P64 •Gandalf, Stormcrow (P)
0P65 •Boromir, Steward's Heir (P)
0P66 •Eomer, Forthwith Banished (P)
0P67 •Frodo, Mr. Underhill (P)
0P68 •The One Ring, The Binding Ring (P) Entregada en el DecipherCon 2004
0P69 Nocked (P) Solo se edito foil
0P70 •Gandalf, Leader of the Company (P) Solo se edito foil
0P71 •Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath (P) Solo se edito foil
0P72 Bow of Minas Tirith (P) Solo se edito foil
0P73 Armored Easterling (P) Solo se edito foil
0P74 Poleaxe (P) Solo se edito foil
0P75 Champion Orc (P) Solo se edito foil
0P76 Spurred to Battle (P) Solo se edito foil
0P77 •Riders of the Mark (P) Solo se edito foil
0P78 •Sam, Steadfast Friend (P) Solo se edito foil
0P79 •Arwen, Staunch Defender (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Shadows”. Solo se edito foil
0P80 •Eomer, Eored Leader (P) Solo se edito foil
0P81 •Ulaire Toldea, Black Shadow (P) Solo se edito foil
0P82 •The Witch-king's Beast, Fell Creature (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Black Rider”. Solo se edito foil
0P83 •Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders (P) Solo se edito foil
0P84 •Sting, Weapon of Heritage (P) Entregada en el DGMA Territorial Open Championship. Solo se edito foil
0P85 Olog-Hai Bestial (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – France (solo edito en frances). Solo se edito foil
0P86 •Pippin, Brave Decoy (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Las Vegas. Solo se edito foil
0P87 •Legolas, Companion of the Ring (P) Entregada en el GTS 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P88 •Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan (P) Entregada en el Decipher Convention 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P89 •Jarnsmid, Barding Emissary (P) Solo se edito foil
0P90 Vapour and Steam (P) Solo se edito foil
0P91 Massing Strength (P) Solo se edito foil
0P92 Morgul Tormentor (P) Solo se edito foil
0P93 •Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (P) Solo se edito foil
0P94 •Mithril-coat, Dwarf-mail (P) Solo se edito foil
0P95 •Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (P) Solo se edito foil
0P96 Keening Wail (P) Solo se edito foil
0P97 •Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (P) Solo se edito foil
0P98 •Ulaire Lemenya, Black Enemy (P) Solo se edito foil
0P99 •Ulaire Nelya, Black Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P100 •The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor (P) Solo se edito foil
0P101 •Orophin, Brother of Haldir (P) Solo se edito foil
0P102 •Grima, Footman of Saruman (P) Solo se edito foil
0P103 •Ulaire Otsea, Zwarte Schim (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Netherlands (solo se edito en holandes). Solo se edito foil
0P104 •Saruman, of Many Colours (P) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series – Origins. Solo se edito foil
0P105 •Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Entregada en el DGMA Continental Championship 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P106 •Hama, Captain of the King's Guard (P) Solo se edito foil
0P107 Guard of the White Tree (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “Bloodlines”. Solo se edito foil
0P108 •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P109 •Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P110 •Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P111 •Ulaire Cantea, Fourth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P112 •Ulaire Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P113 •Ulaire Enquea, Sixth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P114 •Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P115 •Ulaire Toldea, Eighth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P116 •Ulaire Nertea, Ninth of the Nine Riders (P) Colección “Nine Riders”. Solo se edito foil
0P117 •Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (P) Entregada en el DecipherCon 2005. Solo se edito foil
0P118 •Eowyn, Restless Warrior (P) Solo se edito foil
0P119 •Isildur, Heir of Elendil (P) Solo se edito foil
0P120 Isengard Marauder (P) Solo se edito foil
0P121 Covetous Uruk (P) Solo se edito foil
0P122 •Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (P) Promocional de lanzamiento de “The Hunters”. Solo se edito foil
0P123 •Gimli, Eager Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P124 •Legolas, Fleet-footed Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P125 •Aragorn, Swift Hunter (P) Solo se edito foil
0P126 •Lurtz, Now Perfected (P) Entregada en el Tournament Director. Solo se edito foil
0P127 •Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (P) Solo se edito foil
0P128 Primitive Brand (P) Solo se edito foil
0P129 •Watcher at Sarn Ford, Ranger of the North (P) Solo se edito foil
0D1 Buckland Homestead (D) Solo se edito foil
0D2 Caras Galadhon (D) Solo se edito foil
0D3 Cavern Entrance (D) Solo se edito foil
0D4 Neekerbreekers' Bog (D) Solo se edito foil
0D5 •Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark (D) Entregada en el DGMA Online Premier Series. Solo se edito foil
0D6 •Elendil, High-King of Gondor (D) Entregada en el DGMA World Championship 2005. Solo se edito foil
0D7 Ordnance Grunt (D) Entregada en el DGMA Premier Series Qualifier. Solo se edito foil
0D8 •Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer (D) Entregada en el DGMA World Cup 2005. Solo se edito foil
0D9 Breeding Pit of Isengard (D) Solo se edito foil
0D10 City of Kings (D) Solo se edito foil
0D11 Pinnacle of Zirakzigil (D) Solo se edito foil
0D12 The Prancing Pony (D) Solo se edito foil
0D13 Falls Of Rauros (D) Solo se edito foil
0D14 Imladris (D) Solo se edito foil

1 M 1 The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (O)
1 M 2 The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (O)
1 M 3 Lurtz, Servant of Isengard (O)
2 M 1 The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazg?l (O)
2 M 2 Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (O)
2 M 3 Sam, Proper Poet (O)
2 M 4 Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (O)
3 M 1 Arwen, Elven Rider (O)
3 M 2 Hand of Sauron (O)
4 M 1 The One Ring (O)
4 M 2 Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (O)
5 M 1 Gollum, Stinker (O)
5 M 2 Grima, Chief Counselor (O)
6 M 1 Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (O)
6 M 2 Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (O)
6 M 3 Merry, Impatient Hobbit (O)
10 M 1 Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar - Elvish Card (O)

Sting, Baggins Heirloom (Tengwar)
Anduril, Flame of the West (Tengwar)
Fireworks (Sample Deckbuilding List)
Horn of Boromir (Sample Deckbuilding List)
Book of Mazarbul (Sample Deckbuilding List)
Tournament Schedule 2003 DGMA
Tournament Schedule 2004 DGMA (LAS DOS VERSIONES)
4 M 1 The One Ring
12TF1 Confronting the Eye (TF) FOIL- ALEMAN
12TF1 Confronting the Eye (TF) FOIL- ITALIANO
12TF2 Brutal Easterling (TF) FOIL- ALEMAN
12TF2 Brutal Easterling (TF) FOIL- ITALIANO
12TF3 Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the Beast (TF) FOIL- ALEMAN
12TF3 Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the Beast (TF) FOIL- ITALIANO
13TF1 Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (TF) FOIL- ALEMAN
13TF2 Banners Blowing (TF) FOIL- ALEMAN
13TF3 Assault Commander (TF) FOIL- ALEMAN
13TF4 City of Kings (TF) FOIL- ALEMAN
Se hace lo que se puede!!!Temujin escribió:menuda machine por dios.